Procurement Made Easy

PME4U is a procurement and supply chain specialist organisation that looks to optimise your processes, strengthen your capabilities and drive your desired sourcing outcomes.

Our Products

Basic XL Contracts Register

Just the basics, all you want is the ability to capture contract details, run basic filtering and view a handy dashboard

Advanced XL Contracts Register

Take it to the next level with advanced procurement and contracts life cycle data capture, reporting and a detailed performance dashboard​


Premium solution for larger teams and procurement and contracting functions that want to deliver a cost effective, mature reporting and process management solution

With a complex procurement, it can be difficult to keep track of all the items to target in a negotiation. If you are running an interactive process, like Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) or a Competitive Dialogue approach, tracking the agenda items for workshops can be equally difficult.

Our Services


Looking to enhance your procurement strategy and implement current sourcing methodologies such as multi-stage, interactive and auction integrated processes.


Need to review your procurement policies, align with external agencies and legislation or just make your policies effective and efficient by striping out unnecessary complexity.


Have you found bottlenecks in your processes due to the need to complete Word and Excel documents, or are you looking to speed data capture and leverage that captured data.


Need support in specifying, selecting and/or implementing a procurement process or contract management solution to strengthen capabilities and advance organisational maturity.

Our Latest Blogs

Scalability of Interactive Procurement Processes

Interactive procurement processes open up the channels of communication between supplier and buyer. They enable both sides to get a better understanding of the requirements and the solution that allows better deals to be brokered, bigger pies to be baked if you like. They also allow the gap between what the customer thinks they are getting and what the supplier is able to give to be narrowed. But often these processes are seen as complex and expensive exercises that require extended periods to execute. What if they could be adapted to allow any size procurement benefit from improved communication between the buyer and the seller.

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Use of Subject Matter Expert in Procurement Processes

What are the benefits and risks associated with having a Subject Matter Expert involved in a procurement process and what role they can play. A Subject Matter Expert can position a project to achieve the very best outcomes, or they can choke the project into mediocrity, even potential failure. Let’s take a look at how to get the very best value from these highly skilled, but specialised, advisors.

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Procurement Tasks for quite times

Many organisations have a slow down through festive seasons as many people head off on holidays and the volume of work often slows. So if you’re lucky enough to be working during a quite time, what procurement tasks can you do to take advantage of the extra flexibility and set yourself up for when the pace picks up again?

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Does your market engagement model surprise your vendors?

When going to market for the provision of new goods or services, we are aiming to get the best deal we can and often in the shortest possible time, but are these two objectives mutually exclusive? Can you expect the best outcomes when you minimise the vendors response time? Does the market engagement model you currently use to engage the market often result in catching the suppliers unprepared and unable to provide a good response?

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The real cost of low integrity procurement

Last year I noted two significant cases, amongst many others, of poor procurement practices resulting court cases and the payment of damages. Envoy Relocation Services successfully sued the Canadian Government for unfair treatment during successive procurement processes. The court awarded Envoy $30 million in lost profits and also directed the Government to pay Envoys $10 million legal costs; in another case, a major retailer sued a Central NSW coast council in Australia over a faulty process, resulting in damages of around $2 million being awarded to the retailer. The council later appealed and won, but the court, delays and internal staff costs must have been significant. While these commercial horror stories will capture the headlines and provide great examples for frightening clients during probity briefings, are the fines the only damage suffered by organisations through poor procurement practices resulting in low integrity procurement.

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A simple guide to writing good criteria

I’ve seen a lot of guides and presentations outlining, sometimes in great detail, what it takes to write a good criteria for an invitation document, but who can remember all of that. In reality, you can break it down into three areas of consideration. What do I want supplied; How will I know a supplier has it; How will I assess their responses.

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