Excel Solutions
Advanced XL Contracts Register
- $44.00
- The Advanced XL Contracts Register provides the next level of support to a busy procurement and contracts management team. Aimed at small teams of up to 5, the solution is an inexpensive method of taking the first steps into a centralised contract management solution. Workbook includes: Procurement process management Contracts management Vendor record management Simplified view to allow accounts payable…
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Basic XL Contracts Register
- $11.00
- The Basic XL Contracts Register is an entry level method of capturing the procurement processes, contracts and variations in a simple register. Includes : Auto ID Generator Dashboard report Data validation
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Negotiation Agenda Item Register
- $11.00
- With a complex procurement, it can be difficult to keep track of all the items to target in a negotiation. If you are running an interactive process, like Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) or a Competitive Dialogue approach, tracking the agenda items for workshops can be equally difficult. The Negotiation Agenda Register is a Microsoft Excel based tool that provides a…
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